that a big bag to puke in

Good day Porter I wish to introduce myself to you and also my proposal which I would like you to be my partner. I am Mr. Kola Williams and I work with a bank here in my country Nigeria, I am only contacting you based on a deal which I would love you to kindly read carefully below and get back to me if you are interested. I am contacting you for this deal in view of the fact that you can trustworthy and reliable. Please I hope my letter will not embarrass you since we have not had any previous communication or encounter, though business is all about trust and opportunity. I hope you will read this email with all the objectivity it deserves and then react accordingly. I have decided to contact you on this project that will be very beneficial to both of us based on trust despite the fact that we have not had any previous meeting and also I want you to know that my main objectives of contacting you is not based on the fact that you really have any relationship with this person but based on trust that I have in you and believing that this deal will generate a better and future relationship between us. There is an account opened in our bank in 1990 but since 2002 nobody has operated on this account again. After a private investigation I discovered that the owner of this account by name (Engr. Franklin Porter) was a financial director with an oil company here in my country and he was also among the people that died in the Lagos 2002 bomb blast at the Ikeja military cantonment, he died without having a beneficiary to this account since the funds might have come through most of the deals that is been done in the oil sector of my country by some government officials. My investigation proved to me also that nobody from the company knows about this account. The amount contained in this account is US11, 950,000.00. It is my wish and intention to take this fund abroad for investment instead of the bank to have it transferred into their reserve account for the personal use as unclaimed funds since the account has been dormant for years now. I want you to know that I never masterminded the death of the deceased fellow. Their death was occurred naturally. View for incident of the bomb blast All the arrangement to use you and put claim over this fund as the bonafide Next of kin to the deceased and all necessary modalities has been put in Place and directives will be relayed to you as soon as you indicate your interest and willingness to assist me and also benefit your self to this great business opportunity. In this country as a civil servant are not allowed to operate a foreign account. This is the actual reason why it will require a second party or fellow who will forward claims as the next of kin to the Bank and also present a foreign account where he will need the money to be re-transferred into on his/her request. Our Banking law stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after Seven years, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a Nigerian cannot stand as next of kin. I don't want this money to go into the Bank treasury as unclaimed Bill. Be assured this transaction is 100% risk free. Please you have been advised to keep confidential as I am still in Service and intend to retire from service after I conclude this deal with you. Note this, that we split the funds after transfer half each (50-50) also 5% will be used for refund of all expense incurring during this process before the splitting of the funds. I look forward to receive your urgent reply. Kindly get back to me via this email A.S.A.P. or Call me on my number +234-805-6064158. Sincerely, Mr. Kola Williams

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