OK, and Ross made a cone. It was in Eric's garage for a while. Then we dumped it in the D. REAL ART TRASH ON THE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went down there with DAVE "OBLISK" CHEAL and took this pics. FUN, huh?
I took this pics at JD's... in duh bathroom @ a noise show! No photoshop! Dose sparkles are REAL!!!!!
OK, I got this new thing going on. Actually it's not new at fucking all, it's like 8 Years old. Back when I first moved to Detroit I was making all these fucked up experimental tapes and one of em was called FACEMITE. Does the font look familiar Porter?! YOU DREW IT! Well I'm back. Expect fun things. MYSPACE LINK HERE......... and it's in conjunction w/ my new blog GOOGLEE MAPSS. Yeah!!! Throwbacks and guilty pleasures FTW!!!!!!!
I put up a bunch of links on the sidebar. I think I got most of ya'll, but if there's anything I forgot just post it in the comments or hit me up on FB, ok? We're all friends here! YIPPEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

mungibli said...

billy sparkles staring at my in the can.... Oh the stage fright!