Da Bush.

Today me and my host "Dad" (He's 36) Kirpatrick went to "country" or "da bush" to visit his parents on their farm. It was out in the middle of nowhere which meant 2 and a half hours of driving, smoking grits with Kirk and goofing off. We stopped and had jerk pork in Ochi Rios (major tourist spot, but BEST jerk pork), taking the long way, and finally made it into St. Ann. His folks were real cool, his Dad was harvesting pimentos, but I felt shy asking to take his picture. I DID however get a lot of cool shots... On the way home we sang songs like "Back to Life, Back to Reality". I am really thankful I ended up living with someone that I can share jokes with and laugh over shitty youtube clips. Life has been a ok...

 They have Total in JA!!
 People here are really into their shitty 90's Japanese cars...
 Funniest road signs ever here. Personal favorite: "Running the red light may put out your own light" or "Speeding Kills: Don't be in a hurry to enter eternity" lololol... Good thing you told me...

 Get your carwash and drink on...
 Jerk pork with yellow pepper sauce and sweet potato...
 Kirk... aka "Dad"
 This is the driveway to Kirk's parent's house. He looks like a scary caveman...lolol. Hangin with Kirk is awesome cos hardly anyone calls me "whitey" and dudes won't blatently hit on me!! Lol. His wife is awesome too.

 This is a breadfruit. You roast it over an open flame until it is black, then peel it and sear it. It's awesome! Texture and taste of a light bread...
Stupid and sideways, but this is ackee. It hasint opened yet so its still poisines, but once it opens you can harvest it, remove the seeds that look like giant black jelly beans the "fruit" tastes like scrambled eggs after you cook it.

Thats about it. <3 you all, and miss yous!!



CJS said...

sooooooooooooo fucking awesome!!!

we miss u too - but you're not missing anything - def not anything that cool...

u got a guitar out there yet?

have u seen anyone surfing? i know the spots are sketchy (i think?) what about boogie boarding?

shoeless said...

nice pics whitey

ewok said...

lol... Thanks guys. Naw, no guitar yet. Not seen anyone surfing. No one even skates here, its sooo sketchy and xtreme curvey/hilly everywhere...


these pictures and yr stories rock!!!

ewok said...

:) tanks.