Look at Dave's expression. "Hahaha, this is terrible." Notice Adam's dissapointment. Later in the set, Adam said "F-IT!" and jumped on stage playing an un-manned drum set. It rocked. Go Adam! If I remember correctly, the girl in the glasses ate "Magic Mushrooms". Gus spotting! This girl was so ashamed to take a pic with me, she covered her face with her own hair. Or maybe she was on mushrooms too? BONUS FUN: Ed the Dread in Tiawan. ""大陸地"推過去老帥子!!, 我還要等半天了.. "INCONSIDERATELY"*" Lauren C. in D.C. ... sick!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha! if i recall correctly, some rando wanted a shot of us.

umm, hell no, i dont know you!

so the face had to get covered.

Besides they probably just wanted to get you, being a celebrity and all! ;)