new rules at ccs

I heard thru the grapevine that ccs is now implementing some new expectations and rules to the illustrious senior wall exhibit. pushin buttons. that's what i do, kids.


Mavis said...

Rebel, Rebel

MATTO said...

what kind of rule could they inforce? we gotta approve it, or something. 20% of your work needs to be matted, blah % needs to be a a "process book"?


shoeless said...

not exactly sure but that dept is getting lamer by the second.

RK47 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MATTO said...

missed that comment-

Bring it back!

CJS said...


"process books" and "matted work" is like, the biggest joke ever.

it had nothing to do with anything.

audiopants said...

That is why I didn't so a señior wall in the first place. Take it from me kids: Graduate in the winter. It works out better.