i say we have a magic violence pumpkin carving challenge this holiday season! not so much if a competition, but more like i want to see everyone's pumpkins!!! i did this diamond tonight, maybe tomorrow something different? ideas?


CJS said...

that diamond is sick!

good idea,

post ur pumpkins!!

MATTO said...

YES! Though, that one will be tough to top. Looks awesome.

I just got some junkmail from Maceys- new super slick Martha Stewart pumkin carving gear.

I want to see an Iannuzi pumpkin.

CJS said...



ewok said...

This is on point. One Halloween my folks asked me to carve their pumpkin and I carved the sweetest dragon in it... and my mom was all pissed off. She's like "yer SUPPOSED to carve a face..." LOLOL. Remember yall, pumpkin carving at ewok's pre party and dinner 10/31/09.