This is old, but worth watching. Mcfet sounds like a valley girl, and stuff. But he is definitely not the first artist I've heard use "filler"....ummmm


CJS said...

he's soooo valley girl in it, LOL. i love to hate it. sometimes i think about the mustache thing he says and laugh... while riding my bike into the stoner forest.

but he really rules.

MRL said...

did you peep the schutz link I put up? so funny... and the comment are hilarious

CJS said...


half way through I couldn't even hear words anymore.. she lost me at "The paintings started as drawings.. i never thought..."

LOL. I saw her IRL at school, didn't u see that too?

art world confusion...

she's like a sloppy large scale (not so hot) illustrator to me... ?

i think randy said something like, "you could be the next dana shutz.. but i see you're obviously diverting attention" or something like that lol

now i'm an art school casuality for talking bout it...