june '08

When this was my styles. Been wanting to find these for a while. Specially for Lil C. The house pics are from Ardmore when moved in. I painted the living room in a cast. Because... Prince lived here. Apparently.


ewok said...

btw, i took these pics in the doctors office with my phone in front of the no cell phones signs as soon as the nurse left out.

Mavis said...

Karen you are such a badass!!!! I'm glad you have recovered from that incident well, just looking at the pictures makes me worry!

Also, I am very glad you painted your apartment...that purple was intense, I bet Alfred would have loved it.

ewok said...

Thks Mav. Yeah the thing with the purple is I've had so many people b like "No way man, it was AWESOME!! Why didn't u leave it?!" And Im just like..... Think of the entire house? It was way too much. Unless you are Prince. Or Alfred.

Angelcakes said...

those colors remind me of barney or something twisted, it would have given me a headache. those other pics hurt me just looking at them...
