lady gaga booed?

omg, how could you have not been convinced at first sight of JUST DANCE... the song still sends shivers up my spine when it comes on the radio. GAGA basically stole my heart at "I'VE HAD A LIL BIT TOO MUCH..." ... i don't think there's been a first line in a song that i've related to more since "SHINE ON" by John Lennon. (In which he states, in a fatherly tone, "LISTEN... karma's gunna get you.") Um. Shit. I drank so much coffee and i have such a headache and I'm on such a creative overload ....that i feel as if I'm drunk. (FUN FACT: some of you out-of-staters might not know that here in Detroit we have our own special version of JUST DANCE that starts off with "Channel... 99 . 5.... GAGA DETROIT". Cheeaa!!")
In other news! As I prepare for the legendary and epic, and sometimes not as dissapointing, Cranbrook Degree Show 2009 starting Ice Cold Chrissy, I think it's time to check into BRUSH STROKES WITH NORM VANENAN once again. now. 6:10 minutes of art enlightenment... well worth your time. TRUST ME. the best art on TV since BOB ROSS. and in more other news... the chair that chrissy built was featured on the DETROIT NEWS ARCTICTURE blog. They spelled my name "Christian Jan Sienkiewicz"... and honest to blog, I'm not really mad at that at all.

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